The Internship Experience in Covid-19 Times | Part 7

This is post number 7 of the remote Internship series during Covid-19 times. For a collection of all installments, click here.

Weeks 7 & 8

Weeks seven and eight. These are the final two weeks. The big lifts have been done. The sun is shining strong in Italy, where I have been carrying out the internship for the past two months and a half or so. Summer is incoming. This is the period in which schools end, and university season ends too. It is a period of gratification, generally speaking when you are in your school age. It can slowly turn into "just another week" as you grow older if you decide to make life's suffering take over your existence, driven by resentment and disillusion. These past two weeks have been very light on the internship front, without much going on and almost no progress made on the SEO freelancer project, which is the most relevant active project as of now. There have been, however, some key highlights as far as the e-commerce side of the website is concerned: a new collection of products to be uploaded; another page dedicated to a designer created. Uploading products on the e-commerce backend of Squarespace is a routine process following precise steps that can be operationalized (maybe through a checklist), but not automatized at the moment. An endeavor one could label as "boring", or a task that can become somehow enjoyable if carried out while practicing full presence in the moment, as opposed to full resistance. As the internship comes to an end, we (the host company and I) will need to fill out and sign some documents, which will need to be uploaded to the university system. There will be an evaluation form that must be filled out by both parties. And a PDF certifying the hours worked per day, week, month.

This is the end of the internship experience. Is this the beginning of real life?

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