Weekly Highlights #50

The content we consume can consume us if we are not mindful enough. In this period of information overload and analysis paralysis, The ‘Weekly Highlights’ collects the 3, most valuable pieces of content I have come across during the week, and packages them in a single page, with some notes and key highlights, to foster mindful and intentional consumption of content, which can truly add value to our life.

Intentional content consumption, in an era in which the amount of content we expose ourselves to can consume us, if we are not mindful enough. 🐘

A World Without Email | Cal Newport



Quote of the Week

People mistakenly believe happiness is just about positive thoughts and positive actions. The more I’ve read, the more I’ve learned, and the more I’ve experienced (because I verify this for myself), every positive thought essentially holds within it a negative thought. It is a contrast to something negative.
— Naval Ravikant — "Navalmanack"

Check out this week’s article by clicking on the image or title above

Check out this week’s article by clicking on the image or title above

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Weekly Highlights #49